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Bone Therapy

Ayurvedic healing therapies to help you with your bone ailments.

Bone Care Therapies

Ela Kizhi (Patra Pottli Sweda): Herbal leaves therapy for bone and joints

Ela or ila or patra means leaves; Kizhi or Pinda means bolus; Swedam means sudation. It is one of the major sudation process using herbal leaves, practiced by Vaidyas (physicians) in Kerala. It is highly effective in ailments affecting bones, joints and nervous system.


The leaves which are having Vata pacifying property are collected freshly. Most commonly used leaves are leaves of tamarind, Calatropis gigentica, Ricinus communis, drumstick, Vitex nigundo, Adatoda vasica etc. They are chopped and mixed with grated coconut, lemon, turmeric rock salt etc. depending on the condition. The mixture is fried in plain sesame oil or other medicated oil as per the requirement. They are divided into four equal parts and tied in a linen cloth in the form of boluses.

These are kept in a vessel containing the oil used to fry the ingredients and the vessel is then heated. An Abhyangam (a gentle oil massage) is given for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then the massage is given with warm boluses.

Patra Pinda Swedam is effective in the following conditions:

  • Neurological disorders
  • Arthritis
  • Myalgia
  • Chronic back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Spondylosis
  • Lumbar spondylitis
  • Cervical spondylitis
  • Sprains and cramps
  • Neuralgia
  • Sports injuries
  • Post traumatic dysfunctions
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Podi Kizhi (Choorna Pinda Sweda)

This is a type of Swedana Chikitsa (fomentation) wherein medicated powders are made into a poultice and used for giving fomentation. The procedure is same as Patra Pinda Sweda.

Very effective for:

  • Certain types of neurological conditions,
  • Certain conditions in Arthritis caused due to block of Vata by Kapha.
  • Overweight, obesity & some types of acute pains like sciatica, lumbago etc.
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Njavara Kizhi (Shashtika Shali Pinda Swedam)

Njavara in Malayalam stands for the rice (Shashtika Shali in Sanskrit) that grows in 60 days;  Kizhi (Pinda in Sanskrit) stands for bolus.  Njavara is an indigenous variety of rice grown in Kerala, having medicinal properties. It is a unique treatment procedure practised by Kerala Ayurveda physicians. Kerala Ayurveda massage therapy for back pain in Dwarka.

It is a procedure by which the whole body or any specific part is made to perspire, by the application of certain medicinal drugs with Njavara rice puddings externally in the form of boluses tied up in a muslin bag.


A generous amount of medicated oil is applied over the head and body. Then the body is massaged with a warm muslin bag bolus containing Njavara rice puddings cooked in the herbal decoction. The boluses are dipped in the mixture of warm milk and herbal decoctions when they cool down thus inducing sedation.

The procedure is done in seven different postures.  At the end of the procedure, the rice paste sticking over the body is removed. A gentle massage is given with warm medicated oil once again.


  • Makes the body supple and removes stiffness
  • Calms the mind and reduces the stress
  • Promotes sound sleep
  • Boosts immune system and slows  the aging process
  • Enhances body nourishment and rejuvenates
  • Improves luster and texture of the skin
  • Sharpens the sense organs
  • Strengthens and nourishes the nervous system

The procedure is found effective in:

  • Spasticity
  • Reduced mobility
  • Rigidity
  • Low backache
  • Sciatica
  • Scoliosis
  • Kyphosis
  • Cervical myelopathy
  • Hemiplegia
  • Arthritis
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Pizhichil (Kaya Seka or Medicated oil bath)

Kaya Seka or Sarvanga Dhara or Pizhichil is a special treatment procedure followed by traditional vaidyas (physicians) of Kerala. The word Pizhichil in the Malayalam language literally means “squeezing”. Here the whole body is bathed in streams of lukewarm medicated oil with a simultaneous soft massage.

This Ayurveda’s Royal Treatment is famously called the “treatment for aristocrats” because the treatment was especially offered to the king in ancient times.

In this treatment, the clothes are soaked in warm medicated oil and then squeezed on to the person’s body from a height of 20 to 24 cms, so that oil flows in a continuous single-stream along with the thumb, in a downward direction.

The pieces of cloth are periodically soaked in a vessel containing warm medicated oil. Gentle massage is given following the path of the oil stream. The patient should be made to adopt the seven standard positions so that no area of the body is left uncovered. After the completion of the procedure, the person is made to take a rest, by covering the body with a thick blanket for 30 minutes, before taking a bath in hot water.

Duration of the treatment: 45 minutes to 60 minutes


  • Relieves body pain and muscle spasms
  • Helps in healing bone injuries
  • Increases immunity and prolongs the life span
  • Promotes normal development of muscle mass
  • Improves skin complexion
  • Has anti-ageing treatment
  • Improves blood circulation
  • A very soothing, relaxing and rejuvenating treatment

It is very effective in the following conditions:

  • Neurological disorders
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Burning sensation all over the body
  • Nervous weakness
  • Sexual weakness
  • Rheumatic diseases
  • Arthritis
  • Paralysis (Hemiplegia and paraplegia)
  • Parkinson’s disease
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A thick layer of cotton soaked with warm medicated oil is applied over the affected area. The oil is recycled periodically to make it warm.

This therapy is very effective for degenerative and painful problems like Back pain, prolapsed discs, Osteoarthritis, Spondylitis, sprain & injuries etc.

The duration of the treatment is about 45minutes. The duration and type of medicines used are decided by the physician based on the person’s body nature and condition. However, in most cases, the therapy is continued for 7 to 14 days and gives effective results.

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